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I'm Really Struggling to Lose Weight

I'm Really Struggling to Lose Weight

When you’re trying — unsuccessfully — to lose weight, it can sometimes feel like it’s all your fault: If you just dieted a little harder, worked out a little longer, and practiced a little more willpower, you could finally achieve your weight loss goal. The problem: In many cases, it’s not the dieter who’s “failing,” but the diet.

Medical weight loss addresses the shortcomings present in many commercial or DIY diet plans by tailoring weight loss to your unique needs. A leading primary care practice in Greensboro, North Carolina, Triad Primary Care wants you to know how their medical weight loss plans can help you finally achieve your healthy goals.

Why regular diets just don’t work

When most of us try losing weight, the first thing we think about is going on a diet. In fact, the commercial diet business has never been stronger — yet despite those figures, about three-quarters of us remain overweight or obese. Something isn’t adding up.

One of the biggest problems with commercial diet plans is that they’re designed for large populations based on very general concepts of weight loss. Unfortunately, weight gain tends to be a very personal experience. Unless the underlying causes of weight gain are addressed, those commercial diet plans are almost certain to fail.

The fact is, we all gain weight in different ways and for different reasons, and we lose weight differently, too. Without optimizing your weight-management plan for your very specific and unique needs, you’re setting yourself up for failure and frustration — worse, even if you do manage to drop some pounds, there’s a really good chance they’ll come back.

How medical weight loss works

Medical weight loss differs (a lot!) from commercial diet plans because it begins with you. Before designing a weight loss plan, our team performs a physical exam with lab tests to identify potential obstacles in your weight loss journey — things like underlying medical conditions or nutritional deficiencies that could be sabotaging your best efforts.

We talk to you about your weight loss goals, your past experiences with weight loss efforts, and your lifestyle and habits that could be playing a role. We take other factors into account, too, like your age, gender, stage of life, and even your personal stressors and eating habits. Then we work with you to tailor a plan that’s focused on your goals and needs.

Most medical weight loss plans include multiple “arms” or components, like:

Best of all, your personalized weight loss plan includes regular follow-up visits and ongoing support to help you stay focused and on track. 

Regular visits also help us adjust your plan to suit your evolving needs. As you progress along your weight loss path, you’ll pick up healthy habits that allow you to maintain your weight loss results and enjoy better health, too.

Lose those pounds and keep them off

Losing weight helps you look your best, gain more energy, and feel more confident. But it’s also important for reducing your risks of serious medical problems, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and even some types of cancer.

If you’re struggling with losing weight, a personalized medical weight loss plan could be the solution you’re looking for. To learn more, call 336-286-5505 or book an appointment online with Triad Primary Care today.

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